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Afraid that the police in uniform would come over and make too much noise and if he didn apple cider shots t pass by in time the murderous maniac would definitely run away okay take me to have a look xiao zhang and xiao li you are.

How could he die she has been inseparable from silver needles since she was a child she has practiced all kinds of acupuncture methods so well that she can pinpoint the acupuncture points almost without looking at them she.

Can t believe that she has been practicing medicine for so long and she will kill someone by mistake su ruoxing suddenly he suspected that he was dreaming and pinched his thigh hard hiss it hurts it s not a dream so she.

Really killed someone the one who killed her was qin kangbo who had watched her grow up her best father when she was young su ruoxing collapsed on the ground wanting to cry but without tears why she couldn t figure it out.

Which link was wrong return before she could calm down xiao zhao xiaoguo who went to inspect the next room reported back team wu there is nothing unusual about the room next door it was cleaned spotlessly according to the.

Heads and answered ten he was very sure we looked around with a blood stain detection flashlight and found nothing suspicious or blood stains wu kuang was asking the apple cider shots Biopure Keto Gummies girls what happened before they came the girl shivered and.

Professor su please come back to the police station with us also please hand over the suspected murder weapon your silver needle su ruoxing put the silver needle into the evidence collection bag handed over by wu kuang.

Without making any excuses now that the witnesses and physical evidence are all complete it is too difficult for her to overturn the case she bit her lower lip tightly with fine white teeth now now she just wants to see.

Front of them there are romantic candlelight and love roses in an instant su ruoxing s heart was so painful that he couldn t breathe so at the moment of life and death she hid on the cold balcony when qiao zhanchen came to.

After finishing the notes it was already late at night after re entering the detention center su ruoxing lamented that fate can play tricks on people look come on I really have a predestined relationship with the detention.

Center she remembered that the last time she was in the detention center qiao zhanchen came late at night and stayed with her all night but this time will he show up again maybe it was because it was the second time she.

Slept on a single hard bed in the detention center su ruoxing was a little bit she got used to it maybe it was because she was too tired in short this night she woke up until dawn even she was surprised she my heart is.

Red carpet strewn with rose petals one is more handsome than an international superstar in a dress and the other has a sweet smile in a white wedding dress two people holding hands happily into the wedding hall the bride s.

Fine needles were pricking her making her feel as uncomfortable as if she had been subjected to the ten tortures of the qing dynasty professor su wu kuang called out several times but su ruoxing seemed to have lost his soul.

As manslaughter crime in other words you had serious problems both physically and mentally at the time and you witnessed with your own eyes that qin kangbo wanted to rape the little girl in desperation in order to save her.

You caused the needle to apple cider shots go wrong therefore once it is judged as wrongful injury I can help you minimize the penalty and probation which is the best result of this case attorney s advice sue ruoxing understood if she.

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in the acupuncture points I pricked seeing su ruoxing s stubbornness lawyer wan persuaded her patiently.

Can I feel at ease living in this world su ruoxing s eyes were extremely stubborn and firm if wanlu if the teacher doesn t believe me then let me fend for myself lawyer wan please come back wu kuang saw the dispute between.

Have if you need it just mention it to her thanks su ruoxing thought for a while and only mentioned the only request was when the autopsy report comes out can you tell me the results in time okay after wu kuang left he.

Immediately ran to the forensic department under his pressure the forensic doctor prioritized the autopsy on qin kangbo s body but just as lawyer wan said as soon as the autopsy results came out su ruoxing was almost.

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Ruoxing looked up at the iron bars small windows with bars there is no love in life qiao zhanchen we must take good care of our three children so that they can be happy all their lives and forget about me qiao zhanchen never.

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Herself that no one would be there next even if qiao zhanchen came he would definitely persuade her to admit manslaughter no he didn t apple cider shots even come a hint of bitterness and self deprecation appeared on su ruoxing s lips qiao.

Zhanchen I m here for you in my heart I am just a passer by and I will soon pass by silently right that s fine at least you don t care about me anymore so you won t despise me but even qin haiqing who had a grudge.

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Way to give up his idea snort don t think you can hide from me what you did mr qiao is well informed and doesn t believe lu yaning s lies at all you d better be frank and be lenient if I hadn t noticed our entire qiao family.

Might have been destroyed in the hands of a greedy woman like you lu ya the color drained from ning s face once she confessed all the glory and wealth she had worked so hard to win for herself would be wiped out lu yaning was.

Became crooked lu yaning found that something was wrong with mr qiao and quickly stepped forward to support him dad what s wrong with you don t worry I ll call the ambulance right away she just when she was about to call.

120 The seemingly innocent young girl suddenly came to her ear and said in a voice that only they could hear later wait until the old man is dying before calling 120 who let him know it s too much lu yaning hesitated for a.

To cooperate with the ambulance and sent mr qiao to the hospital for emergency treatment as for qiao zhanchen he has the duty to serve mr qiao the surgeon who performed the surgery before entering the operating room he was.

Against the clock to race against death finally after more than ten hours of non stop fighting the exhausted qiao zhanchen took off his mask and took a long breath the operation was successful send my grandfather to Royal Keto Gummies apple cider shots the.

Intensive care unit for 48 hours of observation walking out of the operating room qiao zhanchen explained to his relatives about mr qiao s situation then looked around and found that su ruoxing was not present he asked the.

Zhanchen s face suddenly darkened he was always calm and calm but he unconsciously raised his voice and felt nervous what happened what s up with her you didn t find her last night the bodyguards told qiao zhanchen of su.

Rushed to the police stationin the detention room su ruoxing began to think about everything calmly she went to find qin kangbo but was designed by qin kangbo to fall into murder the claws of the madman after qin kangbo s.

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wearing a the woman who was very cold was locked in su ruoxing secretly looked at her although the woman wore a cardigan she wore a tight suspender with a bare chest and backless inside the side.

Out traces so quickly is definitely a ruthless person she had to be vigilant about everything and anyone I of course because of bad luck sold at that time one was caught by the way is there any water here I m so thirsty.

Yes everyone will be given a bowl and a cup su ruoxing pointed to her bowl and cup yours should be delivered soon then just lend me your water to drink first when they bring it everyone will be thirsty can su ruoxing has no.

Brought bowls and cups su ruoxing stopped her officer there is poison on my job please take it for testing the policewoman said incredulously looking at su ruoxing your rice bowl was provided by our detention center you.

Kill is a serious crime so you can t talk nonsense did she kill someone and become neurotic okay I ll take it for testing wu apple cider shots kuang applied for priority in testing this bowl however the test results showed that there was.

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Quickly comforted her professor su things may turn around we are still working hard to investigate take a rest don t be overly nervous anxiety thank you captain wu I will do it su ruoxing knew that it was not easy for.

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Qiao zhanchen s deep eyes were full of firm belief I believe you didn t kill anyone and your needle technique is moderate and you won t kill someone by mistake su ruoxing secretly sighed qiao zhanchen is really different.

Forensic department now qiao zhanchen brought su ruoxing to the dissection room after some Royal Keto Gummies apple cider shots examinations qiao zhanchen confirmed that qin kangbo s real cause of death was consistent apple cider shots with the results of the forensic.

Really artificially induced cerebral hemorrhage my needle penetrated his sleeping point in principle it has a calming effect and will not cause any pain people are excited but it will also make people s blood flow slow down.

Lowered blood pressure su ruoxing checked qin kangbo s back neck pinhole there is no deviation and the depth is moderate it makes no sense the blood pressure is too high the blood flow accelerates and the blood vessel.

Needle holes and no other wounds and no special medicinal ingredients were extracted from the stomach su ruoxing raised her eyes and saw that qiao zhanchen s originally fair and handsome face had become even paler at this.

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Accept the reality and accept her fate it is only a matter of time before he is sentenced professor qiao why don t youlet s go through the divorce formalities before I m sentenced qiao zhanchen who had been thinking about.

There is no time to talk about feelings qiao zhanchen collected his thoughts and said professor su please tell me the details of what happened the more detailed the better su ruoxing described the entire process before and.

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Kangbo for the first time and then she was forcibly suppressed fall how could she still lie still and let him hump her suddenly an idea flashed in su ruoxing s mind I remembered that after I gave qin kangbo an injection.

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Already known result it was revealed that the will my insurance cover weight loss surgery little girl was the real murderer su ruoxing s decadent mentality was swept away professor qiao the biggest problem now is that we can t figure out how the little girl killed.

Qiao you mean the wound is in the mouth but the forensic doctor must have also examined the oral cavity su ruoxing leaned forward qiao zhanchen pointed to qin kangbo s tongue look there are folds at the base of the tongue.

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Covered by the mucous membrane folds it turned out that the murderer used kissing and sublingual administration and unknowingly caused qin kangbo s death as soon as the words fell qiao zhanchen suddenly staggered crumbling.

The highly tense nerves were relaxed the whole person would no longer be able to hold on I m fine hypoglycemia qiao zhanchen took off his gloves and white coat help me to sit for a while .

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Coat and helped qiao zhanchen to the lounge why is it hypoglycemia you haven t eaten all day right did you eat the candlelight dinner yesterday qiao zhanchen said he said yesterday waiting for su ruoxing to have a.

The operating room I drank water when I was hungry and I didn t even dare to drink too much water for fear of having to go to the bathroom during the operation after finally finishing the operation he rushed to help su.

You something to eat as a doctor professor sheng do you know how serious the consequences of hypoglycemia are will be in shock looking at su ruoxing leaving the lounge qiao zhanchen was extremely disappointed in his.

Imagination there was none of the intimacy and emotional expression that they cherished for each other for the rest of their lives su ruoxing seemed to only have respect and alienation for him he couldn t see it she loves him.

Smiled at her politely then walked to the tea room to pour qiao zhanchen a cup first water the old mother looked at su ruoxing s figure the more she looked at it the more she liked it you have a girlfriend and you don t.

Even tell mom wu kuang s face turned red and he quickly explained mom no what s not the case I ve seen it all you just wiped the girl s tears you re like this you careless boy when have you ever been so considerate take her.

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delicious and delicious wu kuang he thought but he didn t dare he was obviously a tough man who was not even afraid of the swords and guns of the madmen but when facing su.

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Wanted her tenderness too much su ruoxing patiently fed spoonful after spoonful of chicken soup into qiao zhanchen s mouth look at the handsome man her face gradually turned red and she felt mixed emotions in her heart she.

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Face turned gloomy again when did they come well now su ruoxing will never feed him sure enough su ruoxing put the food in front of him without any intention of feeding him professor qiao hurry up brother what we sent.

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Hand su ruoxing s heart tightened professor qiao you are her words stopped abruptly again because qiao zhanchen passed her by without saying anything he walked out of the lounge su ruoxing was laughed at by himself and.

Touched qiao zhanchen s smooth forehead her temperature was normal is his brain out of order professor qiao you re so hungry and dizzy what do you care about your appetite I ll eat with you okay qiao zhanchen buried his.

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overflowing I m not cold I was just jealous su ruoxing hugged qiao zhanchen s head gently combing his short hard hair with pale jade fingers full of love.

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Getting more and more serious I feel that you are already well su ruoxing tried again staring suspiciously at the man s slightly flushed handsome face are you lying to me I m not lying to you .

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Brows slightly is this woman asking him for a wedding in fact the last time he spent the night with su ruoxing in the detention center he decided to give her a big wedding but as soon as they left the gate of the detention.

Ruoxing s little heart was so excited that it almost jumped out of his chest he s going to make a make up with her a spectacular wedding but in the next moment qiao zhanchen changed his words take another wedding photo he.

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Hemorrhage there was only a wall between him and qin kangbo and the onset of the disease was only half an hour apart too much what a coincidence could it be that someone deliberately murdered grandpa he immediately called the.

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There a pinhole on the back of grandpa s wrist this needle hole looks like an injection needle hole was it inserted during the rescue but this location is not a place for infusion square qiao zhanchen took a closer look at the.

Means grandpa has noticed something and they want to kill people and silence them they even want to kill qin kangbo they are so cruel and ruthless who is behind qin kangbo s life will the live insect incident fade out of.

Delayed the time to rescue mr qiao all of which will be exposed all of this is enough to get her kicked out no it will also put her in jail so she had to let qiao chixuan came to inquire about the news qiao chixuan knew.

Became kind and said xuanxuan you go back to rest first grandpa s condition is relatively serious and he won t be able to wake up for a while it s all my fault if you don t if you have a candlelight dinner with me maybe.

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Tiptoes and looked at qiao zhan chen pecked her lips even if he was just touched by the woman s soft dragonfly qiao zhanchen felt his mind swaying his big palm clasped the back of su ruoxing s head lowered his handsome face.

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Qiao is really in danger qiao chixuan grabbed su ruoxing s hand and with a pop sound she knelt down in front of her and begged sister in law please please find your father to save grandpa quickly as long as you save.

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There was an irresistible majesty in his young voice shut up the twittering relatives and instantly became eerily silent everyone looked at dabao in surprise this smaller version of qiao zhanchen not only looks like qiao.

Black eyes seeing qiao zhanchen shed tears for the first time su ruoxing felt so distressed that his heart clenched tightly into a ball she originally wanted to discuss with qiao zhanchen whether to let dabao try but now it s.

Being dabao s assistant and quickly handed him the corresponding golden needle all the medical staff in the operating room couldn t help holding their breath not daring to blink more a three year old child who couldn t even.

Cold body and felt very uncomfortable she touched dabao s little head and said dabao is very good grandpa zeng will know that dabao has worked very hard su ruoxing walked over in front of qiao zhanchen whose complexion was.

Father disliked him and ignored him it was his grandfather who tried every means to cure him and discovered his talent which created a new world for him joe in pain zhan chen took a long time before he could speak su.

Ruoxing don t leave me if you don t leave we will face any difficulties and pain together su ruoxing felt the man s chills and hugged him back tightly I want to warm him with my own body temperature dabao scratched the back.

At dabao with his dark eyes thankfully he is my son it turns out that scumbag dad can cry too I ll tell my younger brothers and sisters dabao stood on the operating table holding his little hand chest while teasing qiao.

Zhanchen he did not forget to declare his sovereignty daddy you are not allowed to bully my mommy in the future no matter whose genes we are we only recognize senior sister mommy as mommy and we will protect mommy su.

Little hand and poked his cheek mommy give me a reward su ruoxing pursed her mouth and was about to kiss dabao when suddenly her hand lightened qiao zhanchen suddenly reached out and snatched dabao from her arms boo su.

Ruoxing couldn t stop the car for a moment xiao the mouth mark touched qiao zhanchen s delicate jaw dabao was so angry that his big black eyes stared round father scum do you want to monopolize mommy qiao zhanchen raised.

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You rest first hi I ll be back soon say good not to leave me qiao zhanchen stretched out his long arms hugged the woman from behind and became clingy like never before I will let people buy as many clothes as you want if.

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Figure it out the interest groups even killed qin kangbo who worked for them thinking of the fact that interest groups are so ruthless and ruthless when they cross the river and demolish bridges lu yaning is deeply afraid.

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Could it be lu yaning suddenly thought of the person qin kangbo had mentioned and she gasped she had heard qin kangbo say at the time that the murderous old man was a big shot in the city and he was also the real behind the.

Scenes of the unknown club boss qin kangbo pretends to be smart and wants to how to prevent gallstones on keto diet kill people with a knife and use the murderer to kill su ruo xing but in the end he offended the big shot which cost him his life after such an.

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Underworld to reincarnate remember to choose a good time it s a pity it looks so good looking this is a common ritual of killers when sending the target away they also send him a sentence talk the female killer took out a.

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His little head with a plastic bag suddenly his little hand gently flick the plastic bag suddenly seemed to have eyes and quickly flew towards the female killer before the female killer could react she was caught in a.

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Magnified infinitely in front of her qiao zhanchen raised his handsome face took the woman s soft lips in his mouth and blocked her small mouth at the same time his big palm pressed hard on the woman s slender waist caught.

Spasming intertwined with the man s fortunately even if qiao zhanchen wanted to make a conspiracy he was careful and knew that the two children were still sleeping he took her the lips were tightly blocked so that she.

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Dabao forget it for the sake of daddy s contribution to genes let mommy have triplets su ruoxing s little heart suddenly tightened it s over dabao spilled the beans sure enough qiao zhanchen listened to these words even.

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Shirt and came to su ruoxing why can t the buttons of the shirt suddenly be buttoned let me see su ruoxing quickly buttoned it for him the buttons are all good when she raised her eyes she he found qiao zhanchen s arms.

Around her staring at her affectionately with an unconcealable smile on his lips like a little boy in love it turns out he is he deliberately made excuses to get her to button his buttons su ruoxing s heart felt extremely.

Splitting headache and smelled blood I thought I was finished my brain the bag was torn then I felt like the whole world was spinning and I didn t know what was going to happen next the girl was telling the criminal.

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Technical department immediately wu kuang immediately arranged for a polygraph test the final test results showed that ye xinyue did not lie not long after su ruoxing returned to the hospital she received another call from wu.

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pursed her lips and smiled and was curious that her mood suddenly became so good the murderer was finally caught su ruoxing told qiao zhanchen about the bizarre experience of the twin sisters telepathic dreams.

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Time the murderous maniac is still sitting there and letting himself be captured also since she can become a female killer she should not be a powerless woman why would a murderous maniac choose her su ruoxing thought for a.